
+263 867 719 7632

Whatsapp +263 773 272 522

Muchibwa House

18158 Belvedere Road, Kwangwa Suite, Harare, Zimbabwe

+263 867 719 7632 | [email protected]

Muchibwa House, 18158 Belvedere Road, Harare, Zimbabwe


About Chevron Leaf Tobacco

Chevron Leaf Tobacco is a Zimbabwean-owned tobacco merchant company which specializes in processing of unique tobacco blends for various customers across the tobacco world market.

To anchor its business of manufacturing, the company contract farmers through financing and provision of extension services, purchase from its contracted farmers, and free crop from auction floors. Our portfolio of offerings in tobacco includes Flue Cured Virginia strips/lamina, cut rag, raw stems & expanded stems, and fines.

We are energetic and agile; we think on our feet and we are guided by our primary objective to bring more value to our clients and partners. Be it customization of perfect blends, growing the best tobaccos at the most competitive prices, creating a faultless supply chain model with innovative business solutions.


To become the preferred supplier of Zimbabwean flue cured tobacco blends, and be a universally esteemed organisation.


We offer our clients and partners best value of Zimbabwean FCV tobacco blends.


Core Values


We value agility in our decision-making, planning, and service delivery. We are entrepreneurial in spirit which allows us to quickly and profoundly respond to new opportunities that arise in our business environment.


We treat one another and all our stakeholders with dignity and respect. Honesty and ethical behaviour are fundamental characteristics of our business conduct.

Value Creation

We commit ourselves to deliver value to all our business partners. We commit ourselves to thriving together with our all our stakeholders. For our customers we commit to offer the best blends at a competitive price.


We do our work with energy and intuitive zeal with relentless pursuit of our goals and objectives for the satisfaction of our customers.


We value agility in our decision-making, planning, and service delivery. We are entrepreneurial in spirit which allows us to quickly and profoundly respond to new opportunities that arise in our business environment.

Our Team

Chevron Leaf aims to provide more choice to our customers and commits to effectively do business the right way to satisfy our various stakeholders.

Mike Bingo

Managing Director

Mike is responsible with formulation of the company’s business strategy, overseeing company’s business operations and financial performance, ensuring company policy is well communicated and enforcing performance targets. He has more than 6 years in tobacco industry, with experience in export finance, leaf accounts, Shipping and Logistics. He has worked for reputable tobacco organizations at senior level across the tobacco value chain. He holds a BSc Hons in Finance & Banking (UZ) and M.Sc. Big Data Analytics.

Leo Phosa

Operations Director

Leo presides over the leaf operations functions of the company that include leaf production, purchasing, processing, blending and PMD. He also oversees key value chain activities such as logistics and shipping. Leo has over 9 years’ experience in leaf operations at different levels from classification, buying, processing monitoring and blending. He holds a Diploma in community Development (UZ) and B. Com Supply Chain & Logistics.